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Why was my account closed?

If you have received an exit notice or are not able to log into your online account, it's possible your account may have been closed. This may be for a few reasons, including:

  • You have recently withdrawn the full balance of your account. This will automatically close your account.

  • Your account was identified as an Inactive Low Balance Account and transferred to the ATO under Protecting Your Super laws. These transfers generally occur in April and October each year. Learn more about Protecting Your Super here.

    Note - If your account was impacted by the Protecting Your Super rules, you should have received a letter to your registered email address. We recommend checking your spam or junk mail for this notice.

  • Your account has been identified as an inactive account under regulations for Unclaimed Super Moneys and was swept to the ATO. You can find out more information about Unclaimed Super Moneys here.

  • Yo;?our account had zero balance and you had not transacted on the account in the last 12 months.

    Note - If your account was identified as an inactive zero balance account, you should have received a letter to your registered email address. We recommend checking your spam or junk mail for this notice.

If you are having issues with your account, or would like to reactivate your account, you can get in touch with us on 1300 658 422 or send us an email to