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Why do we need so much information to provide you and insurance quote?

Future Super's insurance provider have a whole bunch of information on how likely different people are to claim on an insurance policy. They use that information, along with your personal information, to work out how much they need to charge you for cover.

For Death Cover, as well as Death and Total and Permanent Disablement Cover, the information they from you to provide a quote is your age, your legal gender, the state you live in, and your occupation category. If you are applying for Income Protection, they need all of this as well as your annual income.

This information is only used to provide you with an indicative quote, if you chose to go ahead with the policy, the Insurer may require more personal medical information.

We use this information to calculate your quote, but we don't store your data for your privacy.

If you would like to retain a copy of your quote, please make sure you download it at the end of our online insurance quote tool.