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What has impacted returns?

Financial markets have been volatile over the last few years. Russia's invasion of Ukraine, fossil fuel prices temporarily surging and inflation have all been important issues for our investment team to navigate on your behalf. We're proud to let you know that despite these headwinds, we've delivered strong results for you over the last financial year.

Future Super's Balanced Index option ranks among the top Balanced Options in the country for the last Financial Year, based on the SuperRatings SR50 Balanced Survey.

All of our options performed well over the last year.

  • Balanced Index returned 10.5% for FY23 and 4.1% for the June quarter. That puts it among Australia's top 5 sustainable balanced options over 1 year, as measured by SuperRatings, significantly outperforming the SuperRatings median Balanced investment option return of 8.5% for the year.

  • Renewables Plus was also a top performing option, delivering 9.7% for FY23, also significantly outperforming the median option in its category.

  • Members in Balanced Impact saw strong returns of 8.5% over the financial year and 2.5% for the last quarter alone.

See Performance & Returns for the latest performance of each of our investment options.

Returns provided are after investment fees, percentage-based administration fees and taxes but before dollar-based administration fees have been taken out. Returns for periods of greater than one year are on a per annum compound basis. Return of capital and the performance of your investment in the Fund are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.