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Is there good news?

We're keeping your money away from fossil fuel companies that are contributing to catastrophic climate change. By being a Future Super member, you are part of the divestment movement - a movement of investors using money for good and investing in a way that seeks to reduce climate change and inequality.

We invest in all different types of assets with superior environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations. To give you an example, we have invested in the IIG Solar Asset Fund, a renewable energy investment that owns three large-scale solar farms - Swan Hill, Chinchilla and Brigalow.Those solar assets are an example of investing in assets that aim to contribute to our overall performance while at the same time building clean energy solutions.*

When markets go down it can be a buying opportunity. And so, whilst it might be scary to see a graph go down, another way of thinking about this is it can be an opportunity to benefit from buying assets when they're cheaper.

*o;? Future Super has exposure to these assets through its investment in the IIG Solar Impact Fund. Members invested in the Future Super Balanced Impact and Future Super Renewables Plus Growth options have exposure to the IIG Solar Impact Fund. Members in the Future Super Balanced Index option do not have any exposure to this investment.

Information provided is of a general nature only and we have not taken your personal financial objectives, situation or needs into account. You should consider whether Future Super's products are right for your individual objectives and needs and seek personal financial advice. Before making a decision to acquire, hold or continue to hold an interest in Future Super, please read the PDS and check our Target Market Determination (TMD) available at Future Super does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage that may result from reliance on, or the use of, any information contained on this site. The contents of this website are exclusively owned by Future Super.You must not use or disclose them for any other reason than for the purposes for which they were supplied.