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We are declaring a climate emergency

Written by:

Steve James

18 May 2021


Climate Emergency

We’re proud to announce that we are declaring a climate emergency.

Make the Strongest Signal You Can

At Future Super, we spend our days connecting members with the power of their retirement savings. We help them move money away from fossil fuels and other harmful investments into more planet-friendly alternatives. We were founded to fight the climate crisis. Even so, we believe publicly declaring a climate emergency is still a meaningful step that we can take.

This year we joined a group of other B Corps called the B Corp Climate Collective. Together, we are following a climate action roadmap to progress climate action in our businesses, while sharing our progress, triumphs and challenges. This declaration is the first action on that roadmap.

Act Together and Not Alone

The scale and urgency of the climate crisis demands massive and coordinated action, and there is no time to lose. With just 100 businesses responsible for 71% of global emissions, the role of business in addressing the climate crisis cannot be understated.

By acting in solidarity with other businesses, we’re all doing our part to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius. Joining the B Corp Climate Collective this year not only connected us with other thought leaders in our region who are taking bold climate action, it provided resources to guide our actions that will help take our operations to carbon neutral and beyond.

As a business, Future Super commits to:

  • Becoming certified carbon neutral in 2021;

  • Setting and achieving meaningful year-on-year emissions reductions targets; and

  • Publicly declaring our progress annually.

We intend to be a climate positive business.

Steal with Pride and Inspire Others

You don’t need to be a B Corp to do better for the planet. Any step you and your company can take on climate action is a step in the right direction.

If you want to take similar climate action in your company, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Take advantage of the resources that already exist - use the B Corp climate collective tools, follow the climate action roadmap, copy this climate emergency resolution template. Our other advice? Just get started. You don't need a complete climate action plan in place before you can signal your intentions as a company by declaring a climate emergency.

All this material is open-source and free for anyone to use. So, steal with pride and share your progress - nothing is more motivating than watching others follow your lead.

Your planet needs you.

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