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Future Super is certified carbon neutral

Written by:

Steve James

3 November 2021


Future Super was founded so Australians could take climate action through the power of their superannuation. We’ve spent the last seven years directing over a billion dollars away from fossil fuel investments. In the meantime, we were keen to certify our own operations as carbon neutral in 2021. And now we're proud to say we've been awarded carbon neutral certification!

How we got there

We partnered with the local branch of fellow B Corp South Pole, to tap into their deep global expertise in emissions measurement and reduction. We set our sights on Climate Active certification as it is the most comprehensive and rigorous standard for carbon neutral that we can aspire to.

We built up an emissions inventory to highlight the emissions hotspots in our operations. We seized the quick wins first, like switching the electricity provider for our Sydney office away from a provider that was not as green as we had originally thought to a new provider. Now both our offices run on 100% carbon neutral electricity.

To offset the impact of the emissions we can't eliminate, we choose quality Australian Carbon Credit Units from a provider who shares our values. We partnered with the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation for offsets that bring direct co-benefits to the Budjiti Traditional Owners and Native Title holders of the land impacted by the Paroo River North Environmental Project, where our offset dollars are spent. The Budjiti people share in the proceeds of this project and gain access to their traditional lands for cultural and heritage purposes, like the harvesting of bush tucker animals and plants, and hosting cultural camps for people from multiple Traditional Owner groups.

This partnership is the epitome of what Future Super aspires to achieve, creating connection between the fights for climate and First Nations justice. We recognise the two are deeply intertwined.

What We Learned

Get help. The certification process is logical, but not straightforward. Partnering with the experts at South Pole provided a great way to set a clear direction and focus.

Offsets aligned with our mission. Find a provider that aligns with your values and purpose.

Make it real-time. Connect your transactional accounting systems to your emissions tracking tools to keep watch on emissions every month.

So the team at Future Super will quietly pop a bottle to celebrate this achievement, but just one, and we’ll diligently add it to the ledger of emissions to account for next year.


Source: Climate Active Website

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